Category: Mushroom

Our posts on all things mushrooms

  • Are Mushroom Spores Legal?

    Are Mushroom Spores Legal?
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    An overview of the legal status of psychedelic mushroom spores globally, including their legality for research and taxonomy purposes, with a focus on the United States. Read more

  • The Power of Cordyceps

    The Power of Cordyceps

    Discover the potential benefits and risks of supplementing with cordyceps mushrooms, including improved athletic performance, heart health, and potential anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. Read more

  • Benefits and Risks of Microdosing

    Benefits and Risks of Microdosing

    Exploring the Benefits, Safety, and Therapeutic Effects of Microdosing Psilocybin: A comprehensive overview of microdosing psilocybin, including its reported benefits, potential therapeutic effects, safety considerations, and the current state of scientific research. Read more